Has doing ALL the things left you feeling stalled out in your business?
Let's streamline your systems so that you can set yourself up for growth and profitability without sacrificing lazy mornings, mid day coffee runs, or sitting front row at the school play.
Strategy Sesh
Let's talk through the things that have been bugging you most in your business during a targeted strategy session. We can review your latest launch plan, troubleshoot your email automations or evaluate your client experience. If you're a solopreneur looking for a second opinion and you want to pick my brain about systems, automations or launching, grab a strategy session!

Project Based Support
You've got a project that has been taking up space in your brain for way too long. You want to complete it, but between client work and day to day business operations, you're kinda....exhausted.
You're not quite ready (or don't have the need) to hire a team member, but you would love to be able to call in some additional support from someone who knows what the heck they are doing so you can finally get this project moving in the right direction!
OBM Retainer
Think of me as your Fairy Godmother, except instead of a glass slipper (how impractical) I'm giving you sustainable systems and color coded Google Drive folders.
Imagine having someone float in (on a cloud of glitter) and handle team, project and podcast management so that you never had to "follow up" on an email again!
If you already have a team and need long term support in your business, an Online Business Manager might be exactly what you're looking for.