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Tired of hearing that you need SOP's if you want to scale your business, but never being told how to actually create one 🤦🏻‍♀️

If you're thinking, {YES, THAT'S ME} and you're finally ready to stop keeping all your business processes in your head like some kind of walking Google Drive, this solution is for you...

Say hello to...

This short and sweet training (yep, you'll be able to start streamlining your biz in less than an hour!) will walk you through exactly how to use SOP's to organize your business. 


It will allow you to release the mental load of trying to remember ALL the things in your business, so that you can actually get through an entire episode of Housewives WITHOUT having to jot something down in your notes app just to make sure you don't forget to do it tomorrow!

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You'll finally get clear on...

✅ What SOPs actually are

✅ Why your business needs SOPs (even if you're just starting out)

✅How to create SOPs in a way that is simple and not overwhelming

✅What is the best format to create SOPs so that they work for you

✅How to store your SOPs

✨BONUS✨ You'll get the exact templates for my most used SOP's that you can just plug and play in your own business!

ONLY $17

Let's face it.  We're not just small business owners.

We're Moms.  Wives.  Friends.  Daughters.  Sisters.  And the amount of stuff we have to remember on a daily basis would fill an entire planner, plus a white board, plus maybe a few post it notes. It's so easy to slip into a pattern where we....

➡️ Think we can store all our business tasks & processes "in our head"


➡️ Find ourselves constantly getting bogged down in the details


➡️ Feel like we can't take a day off, because we feel like our to do list is literally never complete

When what we actually want is...

➡️ Peace of mind knowing that we haven't missed a step, forgotten a date or misplaced a document


➡️ A business that gives us the freedom to have a spontaneous mid week lunch with a friend, or take our kids away on a spur of the moment weekend trip to the mountains 


➡️ A streamlined business that not only generates revenue, but has the systems in place to allow for long term, sustainable growth

The secret to going from feeling like you're working 24-7 to having an organized, profitable business?  

Documented SOP's.

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This Is For You If...

You're a coach or service provider who is SO ready to get organized, but is just not sure how to get started.

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You find yourself spending A LOT of time checking (and rechecking!) your work because you're pretty sure you forgot a step

You know that eventually you want to hire a team member but you don't want to have to spend hours and hours of your time training them. 

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What's inside...

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  • 5 short and sweet video trainings:

    • What SOPs actually are

    • Why your business needs SOPs (even if you're just starting out)

    • How to create SOPs in a way that is simple and not overwhelming

    • What is the best format to create SOPs so that they work for you

    • How to store your SOP's

  • Recurring Tasks Worksheet so that you can determine which of your tasks you should create SOP's for first!

  • SOP Template that you can copy & use as many times as you'd like for your own SOP's

  • SOP Manual to store and organize your newly created SOP's

  • BONUS SOP Template Vault contains nine of the SOP's I use most commonly in my business

ONLY $17


Rhonda Sawchuk

Wellness Coach

I gained, the tools, knowledge and resources to have an action plan to officially launch my business and having the 'behind the scenes' up and running, so that when I actually do get clients, the back-end is already taken care of. 


Gina Ward

Business Coach

Paying for Kristen's services has put more money in my pocket as now I can spend more time with clients, doing what I love.


Natalie Puglisi


Kristen is literally a life saver. I absolutely could not do this business without her supporting me! With her backing me up, i know nothing will fall through the cracks, which is so important in my line of work!



I'm an Online Business Manager, Systems Strategist, and Certified Launch Manager.

My goal is to empower other female CEO’s to build businesses they love and fearlessly launch their offers with ease.


I specialize in helping women like you create and implement simple systems and processes that will enable you to scale your business, without having to be tied to your lap top all day!

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, and you're looking for a biz bestie to walk beside you, cheering you on when you win big and and gently pushing you in the right direction when you're a little lost, then you're in the right place!

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